Alexander Tin's notes / notes /

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My name is Alexander Tin and I am a reporter for CBS News.

I use this website to save notes that I’ve gathered while covering federal public health agencies during these years:

Some other kinds of files that I’ve gathered during these years can be found through the Github repository for this website.

Initially, I was saving these notes on Revue before it was shut down by Twitter. I then switched to organizing them under Github’s Wiki tab, before discovering those aren’t indexable by search engines. Now I am trying to publish them here with Github Pages.

Notes with time codes typically align to my personal recordings. That means they don’t always reflect when they happened in the real world or on the official recordings I’ve linked to. These notes also likely contain typos and other errors I haven’t noticed. Please let me know if you spot one!

You can reach me by email at or through the information on my Github profile.