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Donald Trump

Trump in La Crosse on August 29

Donald Trump [5;20]

We are doing something with IVF, because IVF, as you know, from friends, people you know, it’s really worked out very well for a lot of people.

It gave them a child when they would not have had a child, and I told my people I wanted to look at this a couple of weeks ago.

Donald Trump [5;54]

I’ve been seeing a lot of IVF, and I kept hearing that I’m against it, and I’m actually very much for it.

In fact, in Alabama, where the judge ruled against it, and I countered the judge and came out with a very strong statement for it.

And the Alabama–

Donald Trump [6;18]

They were amazing, the legislature approved virtually my statement, I’m in full IVF.

And it’s really gone– it’s terrific.

Donald Trump [6;35]

I’ve been looking at it, and what we’re going to do is, for people that are using IVF, which is fertilization, we are– the government is going to pay for it, or we’re going to get, or mandate your insurance company to pay for it.


We’re going to do that.

Donald Trump [7;08]

Well it’s big, and you know what, we want to produce babies in this country, right? We want to produce babies.

So I think it’s going to be something.

We told– we sort of announced it a little bit.

Donald Trump [16;30]

Her belief is doing all of these plans, like for health insurance, where you have one big government run mess.

And if you have private plans, a lot of the people in this room have private plans, they’re incredible plans, they worked hard to get those plans, and that’s what they want.

But with her, she wants to have, it’s really a communist type of government.

Trump in Potterville on August 29

Donald Trump [8;48]

They’re the radical.

Kamala is promising communist style price controls. Free taxpayer funded healthcare, not that you are going to want – nobody in this room is going to want it.

Donald Trump [9;10]

We want people to come into this country, but they have to come in legally, right? They have to come in legally.

We’re taking people that are murderers, and drug dealers, and she wants to give them amnesty.

I’ll tell you, I don’t get it.

But all of this will destroy Medicare and will destroy your Social Security.

Donald Trump [10;24]

Kamala sponsored a bill to blow up the entire U.S. health care system and force every American into a socialist government run program, with rationing and deadly wait times.

You go there, and they say, yeah, that’s good, we’re going to be all set for you, come back in three months.

Donald Trump [31;24]

Once COVID came in, that was the end of China.

Once they did that to the world, not to us, to the whole world, 59 trillion dollars of damages and millions and millions of people.

And it should have – and it came out of Wuhan, the lab, it came out of the labs, that’s where I said it came from.

And it was incompetence. It was a mistake. I believe it was a mistake.

A lot of people don’t think so. A lot of people think they did it because I was getting hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs from China.

Donald Trump [47;18]

I’m announcing today, in a major statement, that under the Trump administration, your government will pay for, or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for, all costs associated with IVF treatment, fertilization for women, IVF treatment.

Because we want more babies, to put it very nicely. And for the same reason, we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes, so that parents have a beautiful baby, will be able.

So we’re pro-family. Nobody has ever said that before.

But the IVF treatments are expensive, it’s very hard for many people to do it, and to get it.

But I’ve been in favor of IVF right from the beginning. You know, if you talk to them, they’ll say oh, he really doesn’t like, they have ads like I’m against it.

It’s just the opposite. By comparison, they’re against it. But I’m totally in favor of it.

But we’re going to do what I just said, we’re going to pay for it. And it’ll help families, cause a lot of families can’t use it, and a lot of these same families have been hurt so badly by their inflation. They caused the inflation, and we’re going to pay for the IVF treatments, fertilization.

They’re going to pay for it, we’re going to take care of it.

Donald Trump [56;55]

She wants to destroy your private health care, even if you like it, even if your employer contributes to it, and she wants Washington, D.C. to make your medical decisions.

She wants Washington to decide what procedures, medicines, and care you should receive.

Whether you like it, or whether you don’t, she doesn’t care.

Donald Trump [1;12;01]

Then we had the COVID disaster coming from– and we did a great job, never got credit for it.

The ventilators, the therapeutics that we did, the robes, the gogg– everything.

But, what China did was very bad, very bad, but we’re going to bring it all back to this state.

Trump in Falls Church on August 26

Question [2;18]

Are you considering RFK Jr. as your health secretary, if you’re re-elected?

Donald Trump

Well, we haven’t talked about it, but he knows a lot about the subject, and he’s really been well received by the party, I will tell you. He’s a great guy, very well received by the party.

Trump in Asheboro on August 21

Donald Trump [1;01;07]

I hear they want open borders. And I thought they were kidding. Who the hell wants open borders?

And then they said, we’ll give you health care.

Trump in York on August 19

Donald Trump [16;05]

She’s running on socialist price controls, banning gas powered cars and trucks, and private health insurance policies are gone.

Donald Trump [16;44]

She wants to give free health care for millions of illegal aliens and give them all citizenship into the United States immediately.

And she then wants to sign them up for Medicare and Social Security.


Donald Trump [40;04]

Kamala Harris can’t answer how she’d pay for any of her new, radicalized, liberal spending schemes that will bankrupt our country and do it quickly, destroy Social Security, destroy Medicare.

Donald Trump [40;54]

No clue how she’d pay for free health care for illegals. She wants to give free health care to illegals.

Now you want to stop people from coming into our country, the first thing you do, and you would have to do this immediately, no health care. We can’t do that. We can’t afford it. It’s not sustainable.

But they’re doing just the opposite. Come to America. Live the American dream.

We’ll give your children free schooling, we’ll give you free health care, we’ll give you pensions, we’ll put you into Social Security.

Donald Trump [54;06]

But pharmaceuticals too. It’s outside of this country. 95% we’re reliant on various other countries.

Good countries. Nothing wrong. But we want to do it ourselves.

They make a tremendous amount of money and we lose our jobs. And we want to do it ourselves.

Trump in Wilkes-Barre on August 17

Donald Trump [45;40]

What they’re doing is a communist takeover of our country.

Her plan is very dangerous, because it may sound good politically, and that’s the problem, and we have to be very careful.

Because when somebody gets up and says we’re going to give you everything, 25,000 for a house, we’re going to give you all sorts of little goodies, free healthcare, we’re going to give you everything, universal health care, sounds so beautiful.

And I told my people, you got to be very careful.

Donald Trump [1;09;45]

We did so many things, right to try, medically.

Right to try, if you’re terminally ill, you had no right to get medicine.

Now you sign a document, they tried to get that for 58 years. 58 years they were unable to get it.

I sat everybody down, the labs, the doctors, the insurance companies, and the country, because they didn’t want to be sued, somebody’s terminally ill, they take something, they die, and then the family sues them for killing the mother, the father, the sister, the brother.

And I said, no you’re going to sign a document, and you’re not going to sue anybody, but you’re going to go home and you’re going to have the greatest drugs in the world that won’t be approved for another four or five years, if terminally ill.

And we have saved thousands and thousands of lives. Thousands. So we did a lot.

Donald Trump [1;10;39]

By the way, all of that great work done, we had the greatest lab technicians, the greatest doctors, the greatest laboratories in the world.

All of that, under her system, gets wiped out.

They’re close to a lot of great cures. I worked very hard on that.

I also worked very hard on the FDA, getting them to bring it down, bring it down, because it was going to take an average of 12 years to get something approved. I got it down to five.

I want to get it– I wanted to get it down to two, but things have to happen, but we got it way, way down and we came up with things and we have thousands of people that are living today that were considered terminally ill, just a short while ago.

It’s one of the things I’m most proud of, it’s called right to try. And hopefully nobody in this room needs it, but if you do, you don’t have to go to Asia, you don’t have to go to Europe, or if you have no money, you go home and you die. That’s what happens.

You don’t, mostly, people don’t have any hope, they go home and die. Now you have right to try. And thousands of people are living right now that would not be living.

Donald Trump [1;20;39]

And I will always protect Social Security and Medicare for our great seniors, just as I did for four incredible years.

By contrast, Kamala Harris has a three step plan to destroy Medicare and Social Security.

She’s going to destroy your Medicare, she’s going to destroy your Social Security.

First, she has thrown open our borders. Second, she is flooding our country with millions and millions of low-wage migrants and giving them welfare, free health care, food stamps, public benefits.

And third, she wants to make them all citizens of the United States.

Many of them coming from prison. Many of them coming from mental institutions. And many are terrorists.

She wants to make them citizens, dumping them onto Medicare, and dumping them into your beautiful Social Security program.

Remember, for four years, I saved Social Security. I never gave an increase. I never raised the age by five years, which is what they’re going to end up doing.

With me, it’s staying the way it is. We have a lot of ways we’re making money, we don’t need to take it away from our seniors.

Donald Trump [1;28;34]

Kamala Harris wants to eliminate private health insurance and give free, taxpayer funded health care to every single illegal alien in the country.

They want to give – and then you wonder why do they come up? You know why they come up?

Because guys like Newscum and others are saying come up, come to our country, we’ll give you health care.

Donald Trump [1;29;19]

By contrast, I’m going to keep the Affordable Care Act, unless we can do something much better.

We’ll keep it, but we can do much better. It’s too expensive for the people, they can’t afford it, it’s lousy health care.

If we can do something better, we’re working on it, if we can do something better.

But we will never let anybody touch it unless we have something better.

We’re going to deliver lower prices, lower drug costs, and new options that will dramatically reduce the crushing burden on all American patients.

And Kamala and crooked Joe, they try and take credit for 35 dollar insulin, but I was the one that did the 35 dollar insulin, not them.

Just kicked in during their administration.

I remember, a couple of years, a few years ago, I said, boy oh boy, they said, sir this will kick in over the next two and a half, three years. I said, what about now? You couldn’t do it. Just a process.

I said, you know, I hope I win the presidency, because I want to get credit for that. You know?

He gets up there, and oh, we got 35 dollar– I got it.

Kamala Harris’ Democrat party is the party of health care for illegals, the Republican Party is the party of common sense. We really are the party of common sense, ultimately.

Trump in New Jersey on August 15

Donald Trump [13;53]

She co-sponsored legislation to abolish very popular private health insurance, which 150 Americans rely on, dumping everyone onto inferior socialist government run health care systems with rationing and deadly wait times, while massively raising your taxes.

She wants to take away your private healthcare. There are many people in this country who spend a lot of money on private health care.

It’s the best health care in the world, by the way.

But they want to do it. They worked hard to make money. And they want to do it.

Under her, you’re not going to have private health care plans anymore. And you can be a wealthy person or a middle income person, and you want to spend on a really good plan, better than a government plan, could be far better, and you’re not going to be allowed.

You’re all going to be thrown into a communist system. You’re going to be thrown into a system where everybody gets health care.

It’s– you wait for your doctor like 10 months, 12 months, 11 months, you got to see some of these plans, how they work in other countries, it’s disgraceful.

So private health care is gone. She wants it out.

Now she could change on that. And she might change on that. She has changed on everything.

As to why she was changing, I actually was asking somebody that knows her, why is she changing?

She had these policies and ideas for years and years and years and very solid on them. All you have to do is go back and look at your tapes, which many have been discarded, because they don’t want– discarded by the fake news, because they don’t want people to see what she said just a year ago and two years ago. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Donald Trump [19;07]

She allowed at least 20 million people to invade our country and she wants to give them all citizenship and free government health care and let them raid Medicare and Social Security, which will again– she will destroy Medicare, she will destroy Social Security.

And frankly, there’s nothing she can do about it, once this happens. There’s nothing she can do about it.

Donald Trump [36;47]

We’re going to bring down the cost of health care and housing.

Trump in Asheville on August 14

Donald Trump [35;11]

We will target everything, from car affordability to housing affordability to insurance costs to supply chain issues.

We have the worst supply chain we’ve ever had in the history of hte country.

To the price of prescription drugs.

I will instruct my cabinet that I expect results within the first 100 days, or much sooner than that.

Donald Trump [47;44]

By the way, more people died from COVID in the Biden administration than the Trump administration.

And he got it when it was ending all over the world. It was pretty much ending.

So we never really got the credit we deserved for that, with the ventilators and all of the different things that we did, the outfits, a lot of things, we were producing in New Hampshire and different places, masks, we had mask factories opening up, we had everything, and we did a good job.

Donald Trump [54;00]

And I will always protect Social Security and Medicare for our great seniors, just as I did for four incredible years. There was never any talk about doing anything.

By contrast, Kamala Harris has a three step plan to destroy Medicare and to destroy Social Security.

Donald Trump [55;01]

She’s flooding our country with millions and millions of low-wage migrants and giving them welfare, free health care, food stamps, public benefits.

Donald Trump [56;03]

She wants to make them all citizens, dumping them into Medicare and Social Security until those programs buckle and collapse.

And that’s what’s going to happen under them. Social Security, Medicare, and other programs will collapse.

Donald Trump [1;00;08]

Kamala migrant invasion is also a major factor in crushing your wages and driving up the cost of health care and the cost of all of your goods.

Millions of uninsured illegal aliens are getting billions and billions of dollars in free health care, paid for by American citizens on your medical bills. It’s right on your medical bills.

Donald Trump [1;00;59]

They come up because we have very stupid people here that say, if you come up, we will give you health care, social security, medical, school.

Donald Trump [1;01;30]

The hospitals, a person told me the other day from San Diego, they can’t get into a hospital anymore. The hospitals are being occupied by the illegal aliens. Somebody’s got to take care. They’re being occupied.

And the reason they’re coming is because people like Gavin Newscum and people like Kamala are saying come, come.

Donald Trump [1;02;12]

Kamala Harris wants to eliminate private health insurance.

Does anybody have private health insurance here? A lot of people?

Yeah, a lot of people, they want it. That’s what they want.

Now, if you want to have other, you have other. But they want to take it, and they want to turn it off. It doesn’t cost our country anything.

They want to turn it off. This is what people, they work hard, they make enough money, they want to have a private plan, it’s a more luxurious plan, that’s okay.

But they want to give free taxpayer funded health care to every single illegal alien in this country.

Donald Trump [1;04;08]

Far more liberal than crazy Bernie.

By contrast, I’m going to keep the Affordable Care Act, unless we can do something much better.

We’ll keep it. It stinks. It’s not good.

If we can do something better, we’re going to do something with it, if we can do better.

Meaning less expensive, and better health care for you. Less expensive, and better health care for you, then we’ll do it.

We’re not looking better for the government, we’re looking better for you.

She goes around saying, he’s going to get rid of the– the health– no, no.

I’m going to keep it, unless we can come up with something that’s better for you and less expensive for you, otherwise we’re not doing it.

Donald Trump [1;06;06]

We’re going to deliver lower prices, lower drug costs, new options that will dramatically reduce th crushing burden of American patients.

Kamala and Joe tried to take credit for 35 dollar insulin. You know who did that. I did that. I did that.

I did the insulin, and it kicked in, and you know I remember, when I did it, it had to be a statute, it was a certain statute that took a certain period of time.

I said, I hope I’m elected, because somebody’s going to get a lot of credit for doing what I got done. I got it done. 35 dollar insulin, and now they take credit for it, it’s terrible.

They take credit for a lot of things they shouldn’t be taking credit for.

You know, if they said, congratulations, he did a good job in insulin, that would be nice. And nobody’s going to go crazy about that.

Congratulations, because insulin was impossible for people to afford, they were dying, they didn’t– the expense was– I got it for 35 dollars.

Nobody thinks it’s like even possible, but they could say like, you did a great job. Thank you very much.

Or, you did a good job. But instead, they say we brought insulin in at 35 dollars. It’s a lie.

Donald Trump [1;07;07]

Kamala is fighting for health care for illegal aliens and fighting for health care for– and think of this.

he’s fighting for health care for people that are destroying our country.

I’m fighting for health care for the American people, the people that are supposed to have the health care.

Trump in Bozeman on August 9

Donald Trump [33;28]

He signed a law letting the state kidnap children to change their gender, so that they go home, and– but I’m not talking about him, I’m talking about her, this is her ideology. That’s why she picked him.

Donald Trump [55;08]

We have some great doctors in the VA. But you couldn’t get to them.

It would take sometimes months. People would be a little bit ill, and they’d end up becoming terminally ill, because you couldn’t get to the doctors.

If you had to wait more than one day for a doctor, I allowed you to go out, get a local doctor, get yourself taken care of, and we pay for the bill.

Donald Trump [1;09;48]

If you elect Jon Tester, you are approving the Harris plan to make the 20 million Biden illegals into voting citizens.

She said today she wants to give them the right to vote. Many of these people are killers and criminals. They’re not going to have the right to vote and they’re not going to destroy our country.

She also voted to give them welfare, government health care, and let them raid Medicare and Social Security until there is nothing left.

Trump in Atlanta on August 3

Donald Trump [1;17;01]

40 or 50 million illegal aliens will invade our country during the next four years, if they’re in. 40 or 50 million.

Medicare and Social Security, you know, she said she wants to put everybody on health care.

You know, that’s wonderful, it’s all wonderful.

First of all, they shouldn’t be told to come here.

Many of them were fine where they were. But no country can sustain this.

Donald Trump [1;24;17]

Kamala pledged to give free taxpayer funded health care to all illegal aliens.

How do you like that idea?

Donald Trump [2;35;09]

I will not cut one cent from Social Security or Medicare.

I kept that promise four years ago. And I will keep it again.

Donald Trump [2;36;31]

I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate.

Trump in Harrisburg on July 31

Donald Trump [18;30]

Kamala Harris co sponsored Bernie Sanders’ 32 trillion dollar socialist take over of the entire U.S. health care system.

Think of this, U.S. health care, it would mean we’re going to have to raise your taxes, bankrupt our country, and she supported outlawing all of the private health insurance.

A lot of people in this room have great– some people want private health.

It’s some of it’s incredible. You got to these companies, they’re doing an incredible job, they want to be able to–

She wants that banned and she wants that out, you can’t buy that anymore, you’re paying for it. But it’s great stuff.

I mean, some of the companies have unbelievable, the golden plans and all that. And she wants it to be ended.

She pledged to give free taxpayer funded health care to all illegal aliens. Think of that.

Donald Trump [1;22;12]

I will not cut one cent from Social Security or Medicare.

And I kept my promise for four years, and I will keep it again.

Donald Trump [1;22;43]

By contrast, Kamala cast a tie breaking vote to cut Medicare, you saw this, by 327 billion dollars. In a heartless betrayal of American seniors.

Donald Trump [1;23;38]

And I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate.

Kamala Harris

Harris to CNN on August 29

Harris in Chicago on August 22

Kamala Harris [20;30]

We are not going back to when Donald Trump tried to cut Social Security and Medicare.

We are not going back to when he tried to get rid of the Affordable Care Act.

When insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions.

Kamala Harris [22;51]

I will bring together labor, and workers, and small business owners, and entrepreneurs, and American companies to create jobs, to grow our economy, and to lower the cost of every day needs like health care and housing and groceries.

We will provide access to capital for small business owners and entrepreneurs and founders and we will end America’s housing shortage and protect Social Security and Medicare.

Kamala Harris [25;33]

Stories of women miscarrying in a parking lot, developing sepsis, losing the ability to ever again have children, all because doctors are afraid they may go to jail for caring for their patients.

Couples just trying to grow their family, cut off in the middle of IVF treatment. Children who have survived sexual assault, potentially being forced to carry a pregnancy to term.

This is what’s happening in our country because of Donald Trump. And understand he is not done.

As part of his agenda, he and his allies would limit access to birth control, ban medication abortion, and enact a nationwide abortion ban, with or without Congress.

And get this, get this, he plans to create a national anti-abortion coordinator and force states to report on women’s miscarriages and abortions.

Simply put, they are out of their minds.

Kamala Harris [27;20]

We trust women. We trust women.

And when Congress passes the bill to restore reproductive freedom, as president of the United States, I will proudly sign it into law.

Biden in Chicago on August 20

Joe Biden [27;39]

More Americans have peace of mind that comes from having health insurance.

More Americans have health insurance today than ever before in American history.

And after, as a young senator beginning to fight, we got in a fight for 50 years to give Medicare the power to negotiate lower prescription drug prices, we finally beat big pharma.

And guess who cast the tie breaking vote?

Vice president, soon to be president, Kamala Harris. And now it’s the law of land.

Instead of paying 400 dollars a month for insulin, seniors with diabetes will pay 35 a month.

The law we passed, already includes, starting in January, every senior’s total prescription cost can be capped at 2,000 dollars, no matter how expensive the drugs they have.

And what we don’t focus on, and our Republican friends doesn’t seem to understand, our reforms don’t just save seniors money, they save the American taxpayers money.

You know what we just passed saved? It saved 160 billion dollars over the next decade.

That’s not hyperbole. It’s because Medicare no longer has to pay those exorbitant prices to the big pharma.

Joe Biden [54;27]

They’ll keep taking on big pharma, making insulin 35 dollars a month, not just for seniors, but for everyone in America.

And capping prescription drug costs at a total of 2,000 dollars, not just for seniors, but for everyone.

And folks, that’s going to save America, again, tens of billions of dollars.

Joe Biden [57;08]

They’ll protect Social Security and Medicare.

Trump wants to cut Social Security and Medicare.

Joe Biden [57;25]

And you know Trump will do everything he can to ban abortion nationwide. Oh he will.

You know, Kamala and Tim will do everything they possibly can, that’s why have to elect the Senate and the House, to restore Roe v. Wade.

Harris in Raleigh on August 16

Kamala Harris [23;27]

As attorney general in California, I went after companies that illegally increased prices. Including wholesalers that inflated the price of prescription medication.

Kamala Harris [26;02]

As president, I’ll attack and take on the issue of the cost of health care.

As attorney general, I took on insurance companies and big pharma and got them to lower their prices.

And together with President Biden, we’ve gone even further.

We capped the price of insulin at 35 dollars a month and the total cost– And the total cost of prescription drugs at 2,000 a year for seniors.

We let Medicare negotiate lower drug prices for seniors.

And just yesterday– and just yesterday, we announced that we are lowering the price by up to 80% for 10 more life saving drugs.

And I pledge to continue this progress.

I’ll lower the cost of insulin and prescription drugs for everyone, with your support, not only our seniors, and demand transparency from the middlemen companies who use opaque practices to raise your drug prices and profit off your need for medicine.

Two months ago I announced that medical debt will no longer be used against your credit score.

And I will work, as president, with states like here in North Carolina, Roy Cooper, thank you again, to cancel medical debt for more and more, millions more Americans.

As for Donald Trump, well he wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which 45 million Americans rely on.

45 million Americans rely on it for health care. That would take us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions.

We all remember what that was. And we’re not going back. We’re not going back.

And remember– and this is why we’re not going back, because we do remember, he tried to cut Medicare every year he was president, threatening a program that tens of millions of seniors count on.

And according to his Project 2025 agenda, he intends to undo our work to bring down prescription drugs, the cost of prescription drugs, and insulin costs.

Well, we’ve come too far to let that happen.

Kamala Harris [37;33]

Two days ago, Donald Trump was here in North Carolina.

He said he was going to talk about the economy. I think you all who watched, you know what I’m about to say.

But he offered no serious plans to reduce costs for middle class families.

No plan to expand access to housing or health care.

Harris in Largo to overflow crowd on August 15

Have you all seen that list that we published — (applause) — about the — what is going to be — anywhere from — I think it’s 40 to 80 percent reduction of cost for prescription medication. (Applause.) It’s extraordinary, and it has never happened before.

Harris in Largo to event on August 15

And why — we all know, but let’s ask — why are prescrips- — why are prescription drugs so expensive?


THE VICE PRESIDENT: I will tell you. (Applause.) Well, one big reason is, for years, Big Pharma has often inflated the price of lifesaving medications —


THE VICE PRESIDENT: — often charging many times what it would cost to make, just to increase their profits. And millions of Americans have suffered as a result.

My entire career, I have worked to hold bad actors accountable and lower the cost of prescription drugs. As attorney general of California, I took on pharmaceutical companies for deceptive marketing and illegally inflating the cost of drugs — (applause) — and we won billions of dollars.

As a United States senator, I fought to pass laws that would make health care more affordable and accessible for all Americans.

And as vice president, together with Joe Biden, our president — (applause) — we finally addressed the long-standing issue that for years was one of the biggest challenges on this subject, which was that Medicare was prohibited by law from negotiating lower drug prices, and those costs then got passed on to our seniors. But not anymore. (Applause.)

Two years ago, we gave Medicare the power to negotiate lower prescription drug prices for the first time in history. (Applause.) And here is why that matters: It is nearly impossible for a patient to negotiate lower prices by themselves. Just think about that — somebody who needs the medication, who may be suffering from a serious illness, that they would by themselves be able to negotiate against a big drug company to lower their prices is virtually impossible. It’s one person against a huge corporation.

But Medicare represents more than 65 million people. And so, Medicare has collective bargaining power. And now Medicare can use that power to go toe-to-toe with Big Pharma and negotiate lower drug prices. (Applause.)

And this is to the benefit of not only tens of millions of people on Medicare but also millions of Americans on Medicare who have long-term disabilities.

And understand, as a result of our negotiations, the government will also pay less, then, for prescription drugs. And think about what that means in terms of paying — helping taxpayers save money, whether or not they take these medications.

Harris in San Francisco on August 11

And now, in state after state, laws have been proposed and passed to punish women, to criminalize doctors.

You know, in Texas that law provides prison for life. Understand what’s happening in our country: laws with no exception, even for rape or incest.

And the reality is that if Donald Trump were to win this election, he would sign a national abortion ban. And if a national abortion ban is in play, California and many other states that have protected the right will not be immune.

Harris in Las Vegas on August 10

Kamala Harris [35;55]

I will take on big corporations that engage in illegal price gouging, corporate landlords that unfairly raise rents on working famillies, and take on big pharma and cap the cost of prescription drugs for all Americans.

Kamala Harris [40;35]

If he is elected, Donald Trump intends to give tax breaks to billionaires and big corporations.

He intends to cut Social Security and Medicare.

Kamala Harris [41;12]

On top of this, if Donald Trump were to win in November– he won’t, but if he were to win in November, he intends to end the Affordable Care Act.

Think about that. To take us back to a time when insurance companies had the power to deny people with pre-existing conditions.

You remember what that was, like children with asthma, breast cancer survivors, grandparents with diabetes.

Look, America has tried these failed policies before and we are not going back.

Kamala Harris [45;19]

We all know how we got here.

When he was president, Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court, because he intended for them to undo the protections of Roe v Wade.

And as he intended they did. Now in more than 20 states, there is a Trump abortion ban, many with no exceptions even for rape and incest.

And be sure, if he were to win, he would sign a national abortion ban, which would outlaw abortion in every state, even Nevada.

But we are not going to let that happen. Because we trust women.

And when I am president, and Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedoms, I will sign it into law.

Harris in Phoenix on August 9

Kamala Harris [1;08;18]

I will take on big pharma and cap the cost of prescription drugs for all Americans.

Kamala Harris [1;10;32]

On top of all this, if Donald Trump wins in November, he intends – he intends to end the Affordable Care Act.

And take us back to a time when insurance companies had the power to deny people with pre-existing conditions.

You remember what that was. Remember what that was?

Kamala Harris [1;15;21]

Now in over 20 states in our nation, there is a Trump abortion ban.

Many like Arizona, with no exceptions even for rape or incest.

And just yesterday, in a press conference, we got a fresh reminder of what Donald Trump’s Project 2025 agenda would do.

It would ban medication abortion in every state. But we are not going to let that happen because we trust women.

And when I am president of the United States, and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedoms for every woman in America, I will sign it into law.

Harris in Detroit on August 7

Kamala Harris [34;07]

When I am president, it will be my day one priority to fight to bring down prices to take on the big corporations that engage in illegal price gouging, take on the corporate landlords that unfairly raise rents on working families, to take on big pharma and cap the cost of prescription drugs for all.

Kamala Harris [36;49]

He intends to cut Social Security and Medicare. He intends to surrender our fight against the climate crisis. And he intends to end the Affordable Care Act.

Kamala Harris [38;06]

We’re not going back because we know what that would look like.

And again, understand, Donald Trump intends to end the Affordable Care Act and take us back to a time when insurance companies had the power to deny people with pre-existing conditions.

We all remember what that looked like and we’re not going back.

Kamala Harris [41;06]

We who are paying attention to the fact that now over 20 states in our country have a Trump abortion ban, many with no exceptions, even for rape and incest.

And we all know, if he wins, he would sign a national abortion ban to outlaw abortion in every state.

And that would include the great state of Michigan. But we’re not going back.

Kamala Harris [41;42]

There is a thing about who we are that is a bit different from the folks on the other side.

We trust women to know what is in their best interest and not have their government telling them what to do.

And when I am president of the United States, and Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedoms, I will sign it into law.

Harris in Eau Claire on August 7

Kamala Harris [29;46]

I will take on big pharma and cap the cost of prescription drugs for all Americans.

Kamala Harris [31;22]

He intends to cut Social Security and Medicare. He intends to surrender our fight against the climate crisis.

And he intends to end the Affordable Care Act. We understand what that means.

That’s about taking us back to a time when insurance companies had the power to deny people with pre-existing conditions.

You remember that? We are not going back.

Kamala Harris [32;15]

Let’s remember the past and what that was like. Because we cannot forget.

On that point about the ACA, remember? People with pre-existing conditions being denied, children with asthma, breast cancer survivors, grandparents with diabetes. That was not joke.

And we cannot go back. Ours has to be a fight for the future.

Kamala Harris [34;48]

And now, more than 20 states in our country have a Trump abortion ban. Many with no exceptions, even for rape and incest.

And if he wins, we all know he will sign a national abortion ban to outlaw abortion in every state. Even in Wisconsin.

But we are not going to let that happen, because we trust women.

And when I am president of the United States and when Congress passes bill to restore the protections of Roe v Wade, I will sign it into law.

Harris in Philadelphia on August 6

Kamala Harris [48;57]

And he cast one of the critical votes to pass the Affordable Care Act, which of course gave health insurance to millions of Americans.

I’m going to tell you, when we win, Tim and I will continue to make the Affordable Care Act even stronger.

We will win.

Kamala Harris [49;42]

Now let’s talk about what we’re dealing with on the other side.

So on that last topic, if Donald Trump gets the chance, he will end the Affordable Care Act and take us back to a time when insurance companies had the power to deny people with pre-existing conditions, you remember what that was like?

Children with asthma, breast cancer survivors, grandparents with diabetes.

Well, Governor Walz and I will not let that happen, because we believe health care should be a right and not just a privilege for those who can afford it.

Kamala Harris [52;17]

Now think about this, Donald Trump said he wants to punish women.

And as a result of his actions today, in America, one out of three women live in a state with a Trump abortion ban. One of out of three.

Some of these bans go back to the 1800s, even before women had a right to vote. Think about that.

Well, Tim and I have a message for Trump and other who want to turn back the clock on our fundamental freedoms.

We’re not going back.

Kamala Harris [53;28]

So let me say about Tim Walz, he has shown up to stand up against these attacks long before he stood on the stage with me.

After Roe was overturned, he was the first governor in the country to sign a new law that enshrined reproductive freedom as a fundamental right.

And with Tim Walz by my side, when I am president of the United States, and we win majorities in the United States Congress, we will pass a bill to restore reproductive freedom and I will proudly sign it into law.

Harris in Houston on July 31

When he was president, he gave tax breaks to billionaires and big corporations. He tried to cut Social Security and Medicare every single year. And he and his allies have tried more than 60 times to end the Affordable Care Act and to take us back to a time when insurance companies had the power to deny people with preexisting conditions.

And now, in the South, where the majority of Black women live, every state except for Virginia has an abortion ban, many with no exception even for rape and incest.

And now, he intends to pass a nationwide abortion ban to ban access to fundamental health care in every state.